Its been crazy busy, but still a I have updates. Everyone loves updates. Up for review is one of my 2 Dark Eldar Trueborn units.
One of the big issues I think all Dark Eldar players have had is what to use as trueborn. Some use the bubble heads, others have used the Incubi heads and others have used different combinations of cloaks, Dark Elf corsiar heads, banners etc...
I wanted to do something a little bit different, so I went with the obvious, I used the Dark Eldar heads from the warriors and wyches box sets. Not very creative or revolutionary I know, but the sculpts are simply amazing and are among the best heads I think GW has every made.
Also, I am really not too keen on payinp upwards of $10 for a blaster bit, so what I did was re-purpose some splinter rifles with the blaster bits from my Reaver jet bikes. I also used sections of the blast pistols in the boxes. I'm actually much happier with the reaver jetbike conversion that the blast pistol. its much easier to do and looks like it fits better, but since I need 12 models with blasters just for my trueborn, and then another 6 at least for my Warriors, I wasn't going to be too picky.
Anyhoo, I broke the first 2 units into male and female units. First unit is the males.
Comments and critiques are always welcome.