Sunday, October 30, 2011

Something wicked this way comes! Oh My...

Howdy all.

It almost Halloween and I have been busy with many projects that are keeping me away from my painting desk, but I do have one little item I did when it came out last year and this is one bad samma jamma.

A Skaven Hellpit Abomination. Now first off let me say I think the original pose is pretty good, but they missed the mark in a bad way when they did the heads. I think they may have been inspired by the 80s version of " The Thing", but epicly failed, in my own opinion.

That being said I went about my own idea of something better, and what I came up with was one large central head that looked vaguely rat like and then a couple little heads off to the side.

Hope you enjoy and please be careful driving out there on Halloween, I won't be the only one out there with my daughters trick or treating and I like for every little kid to have a happy and safe evening out there.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

True Love? True Blood/? No, its Trueborn Pt 2

Howdy. Sorry I have been a little slow in the posting, but I have been crazy busy.

Anyhoo, up for review is the second of my 2 current DE Trueborn units. This unit is made up of females. Not the sultry sensuous vixens Hollywood my come up with. I think they have a touch of sadistic. I was somewhat inspired by the freak girlfriend character from the movie Doomsday. Maybe not the best movie, but it did have some interesting personalities.

The ladies have 2 of my blaster conversions using a splinter rifle and the blaster from the Reavers. its a little bit oversized, but, when compared to the undersized tip from the blast pistol, I prefer the reaver blaster.

As always, comments and thoughts are welcome!